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Level UP 2 Program

Level UP 2 is an on-the-ground experience developed in partnership with Rogers Sports & Media, Shaftesbury and Pope Productions for Canadian writers and directors. Selected writers will spend four weeks of the program working remotely in Hudson & Rex’s the show’s virtual writers’ room, and one week on set learning about changes made to various drafts of the scripts while experiencing the collaborative nature of television production and understanding the importance of each department.

Also, two directors will be chosen to shadow a director on the Hudson & Rex set for four weeks. The directors will participate in production meetings with the various departments; observing the casting process, location scouting, tech scouting; and having direct contact with the director during their day-to-day interactions with key crew. A $3500 honorarium will be paid to each participant. Travel and accommodation will be provided.

2022 Directors

Latonia Hartery

Latonia Hartery

Reza Dahya

Reza Dahya

2022 Writers

Ryan Atimoyoo

Ryan Atimoyoo

Saleema Nawaz

Saleema Nawaz

Past Experiences

Congratulations to the selected 2021 Level UP Program participants, JJ Neepin (Manitoba), Adrian Wallace (Ontario), Nauzanin Knight (Alberta), and Mark Harnett (Newfoundland and Labrador). Each Participant will be taking part in a four-week paid learning opportunity on the set of the Citytv series Hudson & Rex, while shooting its fourth season in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Click their photos below to connect with them on Access Reelworld. Learn more

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Access Reelworld is the largest searchable hiring and job posting platform in Canada for racially diverse talent in over 100 job categories (above-the-line and below-the-line), and is a valuable tool for all production companies, broadcasters, and streaming platforms looking to hire racially diverse talent for their projects. 

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