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Privacy Policy

The Reelworld Screen Institute and Reelworld Foundation (Reelworld) understand the importance of privacy, and we are committed to protecting your privacy and the personal information we collect. This privacy policy is to inform you of the types of personal information we collect from customers, how we may use that information, what measures we take to ensure your personal information remains confidential, and with whom we may share it. Our privacy policy also describes the measures we take to protect the security of your information and how to contact us should you have any questions or concerns regarding our personal information protection practices.


What is Personal Information?


"Personal information" includes personally identifiable information such as your name, residential address, and email address, as well as information about your product and service subscriptions and usage, credit card information, and billing records.


What Type of Personal Information Does Reelworld Collect?

Reelworld collects various types of personal information, including the following: 


  • Your name, billing/shipping address, email address, telephone number, and credit card information, including card number, card type, cardholder name and expiration date, when you purchase products or services from us, such as tickets for a Reelworld event or for one of our festival partners’ events. No credit card information is made available to Reelworld; all payments are completed through third-party vendors.

  • The personal information you provide to us when you participate in any of our events, including when you submit films or other documents for inclusion in any of Reelworld’s events or programs, seek credentials, special access or privileges regarding a Reelworld event or program. This personal information might include your name, profession, email address, phone number, date of birth, job title, occupation, nationality, travel itinerary, residence information, biography, newsletter preferences, photograph, answers to specific questions, password and computer information.

  • The personal information you provide to us when you participate in any of our online or other meeting spaces, blogs or forums. This personal information might include your name, profession, email address, phone number, photograph, answers to specific questions, password and computer information. The personal information you provide to us when participating in our meeting spaces, blogs or forums may be used for marketing purposes.

  • The personal information you provide to us when you participate in one of our contests or surveys. This information may include your name, email address, street address, and the answers to survey questions. The personal information you provide to us when participating in these promotions, surveys and contests may be used for marketing purposes.

  • The personal information you provide to us when subscribing to our newsletters or emails or when you use our website. This personal information might include your name, member/buyer identification, e-mail address, phone number, password and computer information.

  • Your personal information from our business partners and other third parties provided they have agreed to obtain your consent before disclosing your personal information to us.

  • Photographs, motion pictures and videos taken of you in public areas at Reelworld events.

  • Certain technical information from your computer each time you request a page during a visit to our website, This information is collected from your computer's web browser to enhance your experience on our website and may include your IP address, operating system, web browser software, screen resolution, and referrer website.

  • Personal information you may provide to us when applying for a job or volunteer position with Reelworld. 


How Does Reelworld Collect Personal Information?


We collect personal information voluntarily provided by our customers, members, sponsors, website users, and the public in general when they contact us via telephone, email, web browser, or in person.


As mentioned above, we may also collect personal information from our business partners and other third parties who have agreed to obtain the consent of the person to whom the information pertains before disclosing it to us.


Reelworld may also collect personal information through the following means:


Photographs, Motion Pictures and Videos that are taken in public areas at Reelworld events. 


Cookies. A cookie is a piece of data stored on a website user's computer hard drive containing information about the user. Our site may use cookies to filter content based on user preferences, record IP addresses for analytic purposes, and connect with users’ social media accounts to share content. This information may be stored in the cookie file as encrypted data to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing the information it contains. Permanent cookie files remain on the user’s computer's hard drive until they manually delete the file. Cookies, by themselves, cannot be used to disclose your individual identity. A cookie will identify your browser, but not you, to our computer servers when you visit our website. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but you can set your browsers to refuse cookies. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may be limited in some areas of our website.


Web beacons. To assess the effectiveness of promotional and marketing emails we send, we may attach a web beacon to the email that provides us with confirmation when the recipient opens the email. This only occurs if the recipient’s computer supports such technology.


Why Does Reelworld Collect Your Personal Information?


Reelworld may collect personal information about you and use it for the following reasons: 


  • To provide products and services to you, to inform you of promotions, programs and events, to provide information about purchases, to bill you when you make a purchase, to acknowledge support or donations and provide that information to the Canada Revenue Agency, and to contact you when necessary for these purposes.

  • To administer your submissions and applications for our programs, events and funding opportunities, to facilitate networking and market activities and for market data analysis. When you register as a member or industry delegate, we use your information to create and manage your account.

  • For marketing purposes. We may use your contact information to send you emails about promotions, surveys, contests and special events or provide other marketing information to you. Promotional emails are intended to inform you of new or unique opportunities, events or special deals that are available from Reelworld. You can opt not to receive these emails from us by either clicking "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the email when you receive it or by sending an email that includes your email address and a request that you not receive our promotional emails. In addition, we may send you postal mail notifying you of promotions, surveys, contests or special events or providing other marketing information to you. You can unsubscribe from this postal mail service by sending an email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line to, which includes your email address and street address. This information will only be used to remove you from our list of recipients of marketing emails and mail.

  • To improve the quality of your visit to our website, we use electronic information such as “cookies” to collect information based on your navigation of our website to better understand and serve our customers, members, and website visitors. This data allows us to enhance your ability to navigate our website and develop programs and content that will be of interest to our customers and website visitors.

  • To improve our service offerings. We monitor and analyze the use of our service offerings in order to determine which services are popular and useful to our customers, members and website visitors so that we can improve them.

  • To better understand your interests. Reelworld may prepare aggregated user statistics or information summaries to describe our services and their popularity to our business partners and prospective advertisers and for other lawful purposes. The aggregated user statistics and information will not contain any personally identifiable information.

  • To provide a secure and safe environment for our visitors and employees.

  • To cooperate with law enforcement and to protect against violations of criminal or civil laws.

  • Photographic, video and film cameras are only used to (a) protect Reelworld, its customers and employees against security issues, including potential violations of civil and or criminal laws and (b) for our marketing purposes with respect to Reelworld events and services.

  • We may use your personal information to respond when you submit a question or suggestion to us, or when you request assistance with your membership, donations, viewing your purchase(s), logging on to or, or accessing your account from our website.


The Disclosure of Personal Information


Reelworld is committed to protecting your privacy and the personal information we collect about you. We keep all our customers’ information strictly confidential, and we will not sell, rent, loan, or trade your personal information to any organization or individual outside of Reelworld. Reelworld takes steps to ensure that any third-party service providers are committed to maintaining the privacy of such information as outlined in this Privacy Policy.


However, Reelworld may share your personal information with third parties to fulfill commercial transactions (e.g. ticket sales, pass sales, etc.) and to provide personalized content and advertising to you. You may see our advertising on social media and other platforms, tailored to your previous interactions with us or your interests. These third parties may include but are not limited to Meta, X and Google.


Buying Tickets


You give us certain information when you buy a ticket/pass or donate to the Reelworld Foundation through third-party websites. You also give us your information when you RSVP to a free screening or event through the same methods.


The information you may give us includes:



Email Address

Telephone Number


You may also provide us with your information if you subscribe to our mailing list via our Email Marketing Platform subscription form.


We keep a record of the emails we send you. These may be sent through our third-party email marketing platform (Mailchimp, predominantly used for marketing emails and newsletters) or directly from our third-party ticketing systems (predominantly used to send you tickets or information about changes to events or memberships).


We may track whether you receive or open these emails to ensure we are sending you relevant information. We may also track any subsequent actions you take when you click on links in an email, including visiting our website, unsubscribing, or buying a ticket.


We are compliant with Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). Commercial emails we send will be sent in accordance with this legislation. If you are a subscriber to any of Reelworld’s mailing lists, you may click on the link included at the bottom of every electronic message we send to manage your subscriptions, including the option to unsubscribe from all marketing emails.


Social Media


Reelworld uses social media to broadcast messages and updates about events and news. Occasionally, we may reply to comments or questions you send to us on social media platforms. We may also share a social media post you have made about one of our events to engage with our audience more closely, assuming the post is available to the public.


You may see adverts from us on social media or on other websites tailored to your interests. In some cases, these adverts will be targeted towards you based on your previous interactions with us (e.g., purchasing tickets for a particular programming stream during our festival).


Film Submissions, Talent Scheme Applications and Volunteering


If you have submitted a film or other piece of artistic work to be considered for our festival or year-round programming, you provide us with contact information regarding your submission, which may be more detailed than the information you would provide when simply purchasing a ticket.


Similarly, if you apply to participate in any programs organized by Reelworld, you may be asked to provide additional information to help us assess your eligibility for participation.


To volunteer for Reelworld—either during the festival or year-round—we may also require you to provide us with information about yourself to ensure we are placing you in a position that considers your abilities and interests so you get the most out of your volunteer experience and feel appropriately supported by Reelworld.


Event Photography and Videography


When you participate in or attend a Reelworld event, you enter an area where photography, video and audio recording may occur. Videos and photos may be used for promotional purposes by Reelworld and its representatives. Our photographers and videographers receive privacy training so that they can be considerate of your rights as they go about their work. Please notify the photographer or videographer if you do not wish to be photographed.

Otherwise, by attending a Reelworld event, you consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, webcasts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, or for any other purpose(s) that Reelworld, its vendors, partners, affiliates and/or representatives deem fit to use. You release the Reelworld Screen Institute and Reelworld Film Festival+Summit, its officers and employees, and each and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, publication of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or sound recordings.


By entering the event premises, you waive all rights you may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any exhibition, streaming, webcasting, televising, or other publication of these materials, regardless of the purpose or sponsoring of such exhibiting, broadcasting, webcasting, or other publication irrespective of whether a fee for admission or sponsorship is charged. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by Reelworld, the person or entity designated to do so by Reelworld.


How Reelworld Protects Your Privacy


Reelworld prioritizes the security of your personal information. Security measures, such as restricted access, locked filing cabinets, and the use of passwords and encryption, have been adopted to protect your personal information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification. Our employees have been trained to respect your privacy at all times. Employees with access to your personal information are required to use it strictly in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable laws.


For information submitted to our website or email addresses, we maintain online safeguards to protect against unauthorized disclosure, use, alteration and destruction of the personal information in our possession. To protect the security of your credit card information, we use the industry standard for Internet security—Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. This technology allows us to ensure the integrity and privacy of your personal and credit card information to be transmitted via the Internet.


Reelworld will keep your personal information only as long as it remains necessary or relevant for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy or as required by law.


There are several places throughout our websites, and, that may link you to other websites that do not operate under Reelworld’s Privacy Policy. When you click through to these websites, Reelworld’s Privacy Policy no longer applies. We recommend that you examine the privacy statements of any third-party websites you visit to understand their procedures for collecting, using, and disclosing your information. Reelworld makes no promises, warranties or representations about these third-party websites and bears no liability whatsoever for your use of them.


The Internet is, by its nature, inherently open and subject to information interception. We cannot guarantee that the information you provide to us over the Internet or otherwise will not be intercepted by third parties while it is being communicated by means that are outside of our control.


Your Consent


By choosing to provide us with your personal information you are consenting to its collection, use and disclosure in accordance with the principles outlined in this Privacy Policy. If you are under the age of 18, you must not provide any personal information to us without the consent of your parent or guardian or as otherwise provided for by applicable law.


Reelworld encourages you to review our Privacy Policy periodically. This Policy may be updated from time to time, and your subsequent attendance at a Reelworld event, use of our services, or use of our website will be your consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your information as set out in this Privacy Policy.


If you don’t want Reelworld to collect, use or disclose your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy, please tell us at the time the information is requested or collected.


Verifying and Amending Your Personal Information


Reelworld tries to ensure that all personal information about you that is in our possession is accurate, complete and up-to-date. To enable us to do so, please inform the person to whom you provided your personal information of any change to that information.


You can inquire about, access, and review your personal information held by Reelworld and make corrections to it. Please contact our communications team at (416) 598-7933 or send an e-mail to Reelworld with these matters. If there will be any charge for responding to your request, Reelworld will advise you in advance. In some cases, Reelworld will be prevented from disclosing the requested information to you. If any request you make for access to personal information is denied, we will provide you with an explanation.


Resolving Your Concerns


If you have any questions or concerns about Reelworld’s personal information collection, use and disclosure practices, please let us know, and we will do our best to help you. You can contact Reelworld for these purposes.


Reelworld Screen Institute

20 Richmond Street East, Suite 600 

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

M5C 2R9

Phone: (416) 598-7933, Email: 

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