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Reelworld E20 Program
The Reelworld Emerging 20 Program is tailored to support writers and is divided into two streams: Series and Film. Ten applicants will be chosen for each stream. The writers will be taken through a part-time 6-month program to polish drafts of their script. They will be paired with a story editor and will also learn from industry professionals sharing valuable insights about the Canadian screen industry. This program is for those who are working on developing their skills as a writer.
The program will be conducted remotely. Applicants must be able to take part in all sessions. Workshops will run from February to June 2025, with pitching events taking place later in the year.
Applications are now closed for the 2025 program.
2025 Film Participants
2025 Series Participants

"The E20 program is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other BIPOC writers and improve our screenwriting skills together. It is well-regarded in the industry and as such, improves the chances of gaining interest on our projects. My script is better and further along because of this program, and I am very grateful for the invitation to participate.”
Augusto Bitter
Film Stream
Access to Funding
E20 alumni qualify to apply to Telefilm’s Talent to Watch Program through the Industry stream with Reelworld, and if selected could receive up to $250,000 for fiction feature films and $150,000 for feature length documentaries.
The E20 Program provides workshops and mentorship geared towards preparing a final script.
Skills Training
Pitching Opportunities
E20 participants are given the opportunity to meet, and pitch their projects at personal, one-on-one meetings with executive producers, directors, broadcasters, funders, agents, distributors, and union reps.
E20 participants have the opportunity to network with Reelworld Producer Program participants and foster collaborative relationships with the goal to move their script into development.
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